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Liability Waiver

Physical exercise, in all of its forms and with or without the use of equipment such as blocks, straps, bands, props, or any other equipment that may be suggested by one of our instructors, is a strenuous physical activity. Accordingly, you are urged and advised to seek the advice of a physician before beginning or continuing any physical exercise regimen, routine, program or using any suggested equipment. Firefly Hot Yoga Bar is not a medical organization and its instructors or staff cannot give you medical advice or diagnosis. I understand that classes (in person or streaming videos) may be physically strenuous and I knowingly and voluntarily participate in them with full knowledge that there is risk of personal injury or death. All suggestions and comments relating to the use of equipment, poses, moves and instruction which are not required to be performed by you and are carried out at your election while attending in person classes and viewing Firefly Hot Yoga Bar videos.


Assumption of the Risk and Waiver of Liability Relating to Coronavirus/COVID-19 

I acknowledge the contagious nature of COVID-19 and voluntarily assume the risk that I may be exposed to or infected by COVID-19 by attending the Studio and that such exposure or infection may result in personal injury, illness, permanent disability, and death. I understand that the risk of becoming exposed to or infected by COVID-19 at Firefly Hot Yoga Bar may result from the actions, omissions, or negligence of myself and others, including, but not limited to, studio employees, contractors, program participants and their families. I voluntarily agree to assume all of the foregoing risks and accept sole responsibility for any injury to myself (including, but not limited to, personal injury, disability, and death), illness, damage, loss, claim, liability, or expense, of any kind, that I may experience or incur in connection with my attendance at the studio or participation in studio programming (“Claims”). I hereby knowingly and intentionally release, covenant not to sue, discharge, and hold harmless the studio, its employees, agents, and representatives, of and from the Claims, including all liabilities, claims, actions, damages, costs or expenses of any kind arising out of or relating to Covid-19 in anyway. I understand and agree that this release includes any Claims based on the actions, omissions, or negligence of the Studio, its employees, agents, and representatives, whether a COVID-19 infection occurs before, during, or after participation in any Studio activity. 


I have read the above release and waiver of liability and fully understand its contents. I voluntarily agree to the terms and conditions stated above. I agree that neither I, my heirs, assigns nor legal representatives will sue or make any other claims of any kind whatsoever against Firefly Hot Yoga Bar or its members for any personal injury, property damage/loss, or wrongful death, whether caused by negligence or otherwise.  I hereby agree to irrevocably release and waive any claims that I have now or may have hereafter against the Studio, their owners, staff and instructors.


**Under age 18 form must be filled out by Parent/Guardian

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(517) 574-8847

118 South Washington Square C Upstair, Above Kewpees, Lansing, MI 48933, USA

©2020 by Firefly Hot Yoga Barre. Proudly created with

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